Yesterday was one of those balm sunny bluebird sky fall days on which it is good to be alive. (Especially since I spent 3 days in the hospital last week with a serious viral infection….)
I spoke to the Findlay Ohio Kiwanis club yesterday noon and perhaps the high pressure outside carried over to the enthusiasm in the room in St. Mark’s Church. It was a warm and receptive group of about 70 Kiwanian’s and their guests. And it was one of those rewarding days when one really does feel “you are on your game.” If you have done much speaking, you know at the end of a talk one usually looks back and thinks, I missed this – forgot that- stumbled on that – or wish I had said this. Some days you’re on, some days it doesn’t always work. But yesterday, when I finished right on the button,there were no regrets, and it was confirmed by a gracious standing ovation from those in the room.
Afterwards there was a healthy line of folks at the table buying books and getting them personalized. Since it was a luncheon meeting and they were in a hurry to get back to work, I was trying to personalize each book and run them through as fast as I could. (See photo) For a minute there I thought, “So this is what it is like to be John Grisham!” (Ha! – Not!) In any case, it was a fun day and just want I needed after a draining hospital visit.
Thanks a bunch to the good folks of Findlay Kiwanis!