Coach’s wrist has to be hurting tonight because he sure signed a lot of books today! It started this morning at the Woody Hayes facility. Woody’s 1964 team is in town for its 50th reunion and had an event this morning at the Woody Hayes. After reading Myles Traveled, Greg Lashutka, tight end and Captain of that team, and former Mayor of Columbus, felt compelled to organize a signing for all the ’64 team members. While Bill was in the Woody doing that, Dick Nosky, guard on Woody’s 1950-53 teams came through, touring it with his son and grandson. The pic below shows Bill signing a book for Dick and 3 generations of Buckeye Fans!
Once that was over, Bill and Lorita headed to a favorite lunch hangout, Vlade Janakievsk’s Easy Living Deli on Lane Avenue. (If you’ve never been there, it’s a culinary delight and a must visit destination for all Buckeye fans!) Vlade – one of the greatest OSU kickers – has Bill’s book available for sale on the counter, and Bill ended up signing one there for a customer.
This evening it was off to sign books at the reunion of the 1979 Team. Bill coached that one, so as he says, they are “his guys”. I sure hope Coach and Lorita loaded down the back of that Subaru – they’re going to need one bunch of books for that deal!