Bill Livingston, Cleveland Plain Dealer Sports Columnist, has been covering the Buckeye Football Beat longer than I have been born. Well, probably not that long, but Bill has been at it a long time. So when someone as experienced, and respected, as Bill, writes kind things about Myles Traveled it makes one sit up and take notice. Three weeks ago I gave Livy, as he’s been nicknamed, a copy of the book when I was in the Ohio State Press Box at the Kent State game. In his column in today’s paper, he took the “They’re Booing Us Boys” story from the book and wove it into a column about the book, Woody, Coach Myles’s stories, and tomorrow’s first ever visit to Byrd Stadium in College Park, Maryland. When someone who has been around as long as Bill, and has seen and heard as much as he has, calls the book as a “sometimes fascinating inside look at coaches and players at Ohio State and Nebraska”, well I’ll take that!
You can read Bill’s column at: Football, life and the way it was with Woody Hayes
As for the “They’re Booing Us Boys”, you’ll have to read the book, or Livy’s column, to understand that one….