Haven’t posted in a while since my health issues started. It’s time. Thinking of my friend Bill, and it has been eating at me this week as I read the Florida Board of Education Standards about teaching our children that “slavery had some benefits”. Really? That would have been news to Bill’s grandmother…who was sold on the auction block as a young toddler. That would be news to Bill’s father…who as a young man was caught up in the Tulsa Massacre, rounded up like cattle, and who watched his extended family loose property and reportedly a business. And most assuredly it would have been news to Bill. Readers of the book will remember Bill was first and foremost a history teacher before he became an acclaimed coach and administrator. If you have read the book you know his grasp of history is impeccable. Think what a gut punch it would be to Bill for someone to tell him to teach innocent children ready to soak up knowledge, that any part of slavery was beneficial? Can you ever imagine how that would make you or I feel were we in his shoes? I miss him dearly, but there is some consolation he didn’t live to hear this malarkey. Revision of history is wrong. I know it is wrong. In our hearts we all know it is wrong. It needs to stop. And I owe it to my friend to say so.
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