Myles Traveled is a great story. It’s an inspirational story. It’s the American Dream.”

— JIM LACHEY OSU All-American

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I don’t ask friends how they like the book. I figure if they do, they will tell me, and if they don’t like it, well I don’t want to put them in an uncomfortable position. So when I got the below unsolicited email yesterday, from a friend and former co-worker (who I haven’t talked to in quite a while) … well you can imagine how it made my day and Bill’s too!  I need to give Jon a call:


Got the chance to read your book a couple of weeks ago while on vacation. Loved it! However, I couldn’t stop thinking about the amount of work that you had to do to get this project completed and published. Wow! Hope sales are going well. I have been spreading the word!


Myles Traveled Book Cover

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Barnhardt & Ashe Publishing, Inc.

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